Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Sage" 5-22-2014 daily painting challenge #46

"Sage" 5-22-2014 daily painting challenge #46. I am blessed today as pressure is melting away and things I have been focusing are manifesting. This is a new day compared to yesterday in every way including the literal. I can and I will are the feelings of the day. It's always a challenge to paint animals that are oddly shaped or arranged. Ones that are unexpected in some way. However the pay off can be worth it. How things are and how they feel when that are put on canvas is the ether of art. just because it reads well as a photograph does not mean It will read well as a painting no matter how skilled a draftsmen the artist is. So you have to get a sense of what will translate and what will be lost in translation. Because I am a translator as much as anything else. Taking the poetry that the divine composes and putting in a language that others can understand. No small task when you think about it. We creative types tune into that divine radio broadcast and try to share it with others through music, art, the written word, and countless other little creative efforts. I have seem some profound scrapbook pages in my time. Ahhhh where is my babel fish muse and my towel there is so much to see and do!

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