Tuesday, June 10, 2014

"Flying" painting #50

"Flying" painting #50 This was part of a Spit Paint you may or may not have seen posted. SP is getting back me to full daily and more status. However once I posted this at its 30 minute cutoff I went a head and finished it to my satisfaction. This was my sons hand holding a car up and making it fly. I wanted to give the painting a visible emotion of Spyder's experience with his cars. Really all boys experience with cars. The challenge today had a topic of Beetle in the air. I like how someone else picking the topic causes me to be more creative. to be honest posting next to professional artist at Pixar, Disney, and Henson. Not to mention big game studios lights a fore under ones butt NOT to phone it in. I think my first attempt was rocky but this here I am truly proud of. Also after gallery hopping with my friend Matt I because aware by osmosis there is not a lot of art for the male sensibility. It had gotten me to thinking about my son and husband and wondering how much of what I am doing here in my little art bubble reflects them. For me this is a success and has left me with a happy heart!

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