Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Little Brushes at play

Art and kids go hand in hand likes finger and paint so If I paint they paint! While I am drying a layer or working out a design solution they have a bit of fun with paint. We get in stuff that can be dirty, turn on a hose for later, and go at it. Spyder has been in a long green period. Which means I know its him he paints ONLY in green. Lunabella who is 2 has really blown my mind she Often when working holds the brush in the correct hand position and VERY deliberately makes organized marks. All my kids are very different artists but I know they are artists. I look for the point they are trying to make not just a well executed drawing. I love that we all have art. My driveway is covered in it. My yard is littered with it. Its everywhere and I love it I never ever make to big of a deal about objective realism. There are many types of artists and not all of them work in high realism. I make sure I celebrate their intentions as an artist. Their personal creativity and voice. Does not mean we don't have lots of teachable moments. So many little spots to stop and explain the higher fundamentals about art. The trick is to teach without criticism. As long as I don't break there hearts they will always have their art!

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