Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Daily Painting #7 "Rough"

"Rough" 4-2-2014 This is really intense! In general I do not paint cars. Because men have such strong emotional attachments to them. I am in the end avoiding criticism. I say to myself they are the domain of draftsmen, craftsmen and Illustrators. I realize its crazy I think that. Thats just fear talking. I mean I love images with cars. Old surf vehicles at the beach. Vintage campers in the desert. Really the only thing that keeps me from painting cars in that I AM NOT painting them. But its like my tree lesson. I know when people are learning to paint trees that as long as they hang in the tree will come. I know as long as I deal with the discomfort of an imperfect car, the car I am hoping to paint will come. In the end its my journey I should make the pit stops that make me happy. Take the scenic routes that fill of my soul. So on and off I may paint cars. Possible not all that well at first but eventually if I am brave I will paint them as I feel them in my heart.

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