Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Perscicacious" 5-20-2014 #45

"Perspicacious" 5-20-2014 #45
Wisdom is something you get best from having boots on the ground or in this case brushes in the water. This daily painting goal like all life goals has hit a speed bump. Between illness, my husbands travel schedule, and the magical ever growing pile of laundry daily painting has fallen down. However even though its not going as smoothly as in the beginning and even though I am now the complicated nature is more time consuming then a painting sketch I keep going. Maybe I paint everyday but, it's not done on one day. I am using a new ground to help push some of my watery effects further. I am accepting the little bobbles coming my way. I mean husbands got to work and I like having the lights on. I have to work too...back to the lights on. So back to the drawing or the white board and more planning for the day. There are meetings to see what we can get done if anything and I paint where I can and when I can. I feel as if I am in a mad three ring circus and I am sitting on a unicycle atop a wire  teacups balanced on my head juggling a never ending litany of things to do. I think only Dr Suess could illustrate me. Which gets me to this painting and all its insight. I wonder if when I explain the circumstances in my life if the viewer can see how they impact the art. Influence its nature.

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